Rod Stewart and Elton John: The End of a Rock ‘n’ Roll Friendship?

Rod Stewart and Elton John, two titans of rock ‘n’ roll, have shared a friendship as flamboyant and enduring as their careers. Their bond, spanning over five decades, has been a blend of camaraderie and rivalry, marked by public spats and private jokes. Yet, recent events have led fans to wonder: is this the end of one of music’s most storied friendships?


The duo first crossed paths in the early days of their careers, with Elton playing in Bluesology and Rod covering Elton’s song ‘Country Comfort’—a move that sparked Elton’s ire due to altered lyrics. This incident set the tone for a relationship characterized by playful jabs and mutual respect. They even adopted drag nicknames for each other, Sharon and Phyllis, highlighting the humor that underpinned their interactions.


Their friendship, however, has not been without its tensions. In the '70s and '80s, they engaged in a series of pranks, from shooting down blimps to cutting down banners, each trying to outdo the other in a display of one-upmanship. These antics were all in good fun, but they hinted at an underlying competitive spirit.


The cracks in their relationship began to show more prominently in 2018 when Rod criticized Elton’s ‘Farewell Yellow Brick Road’ tour as a “money-grabbing” exercise. This comment led to a public falling out, with Rod admitting, "We’ve just made up as friends again, me and Elton. We’ve always been fierce enemies, as you know, through the years, but it’s always been at a playful level. But we had the worst row, like a married couple. It went on forever".


Despite their differences, the two have shared moments of solidarity. Elton’s surprise appearance in full drag on stage at Wembley after his rehab stint in the mid-Eighties is a testament to their deep connection. Yet, the question remains: can their friendship withstand the test of time and ego?


The answer is complex. On one hand, their feud seems to have cooled, with Rod publicly apologizing for his comments about Elton’s tour, indicating a desire to mend fences. On the other hand, Rod’s recent mocking of Elton on stage suggests that the competitive fire still burns.


What is clear is that their relationship mirrors the rock ‘n’ roll lifestyle they both embody—unpredictable, intense, and full of passion. Whether they are at odds or in harmony, their interactions are always larger than life, much like their music.


In the end, the saga of Rod Stewart and Elton John’s friendship is a narrative of two extraordinary personalities navigating the highs and lows of a lifelong bond. It’s a friendship that has weathered storms of criticism and rivalry, yet has also celebrated the shared experience of two of the music industry’s most iconic figures.


As fans, we can only hope that their friendship, like their music, will continue to evolve and surprise us. Perhaps the end of this rock ‘n’ roll friendship is not an end at all, but another chapter in a tale that will continue to captivate and inspire. After all, in the world of rock ‘n’ roll, the show must go on, and so, we hope, will the friendship of Rod Stewart and Elton John.







