Rod Stewart - It's Over


About The Song

(Watch the video below)

Rod Stewart's "It's Over" stands as a poignant testament to lost love and heartbreak, capturing the raw emotions that accompany the end of a relationship. Released in 1972 as part of his album "Never a Dull Moment," the song showcases Stewart's soulful vocals and emotive delivery, cementing his reputation as one of rock music's most evocative storytellers. With its haunting melody and introspective lyrics, "It's Over" strikes a chord with listeners who have experienced the pain of a breakup.


From the opening notes of the piano to the soulful wail of Stewart's vocals, "It's Over" envelops listeners in a melancholic atmosphere that lingers long after the song has ended. Stewart's raspy voice carries a weight of sorrow and resignation as he croons lines like "I never knew I could feel so good / And still be in so much pain," capturing the bittersweet nature of love lost. The song's arrangement, featuring lush orchestration and subtle instrumentation, adds depth and texture to the emotional narrative, accentuating Stewart's heartfelt performance.


At its core, "It's Over" is a reflection on the aftermath of a breakup, exploring the feelings of regret, longing, and acceptance that often accompany the end of a romantic relationship. Stewart's lyrics paint a vivid picture of a man grappling with the realization that his love affair has come to an end, yet unable to shake the lingering memories of happier times. Lines like "I guess it's over, it's really over / And you won't be coming back again" convey a sense of finality and resignation, underscoring the song's themes of closure and acceptance.


Despite its somber subject matter, "It's Over" resonates with listeners on a deeply personal level, offering solace and catharsis to those who have experienced the pain of heartbreak. Stewart's emotive performance and the song's timeless melody have ensured its enduring popularity, earning it a place among the singer's most beloved ballads. As listeners continue to turn to "It's Over" for comfort and consolation in times of heartache, its status as a classic ode to lost love remains firmly intact.



Let's sing along with the lyrics!

The congregation sang
We knelt and prayed
As we stood before God
On that beautiful day
The church bells rang
And the champagne flowed
As our friends gather 'round
For the wedding photo
But here we are barely five years on
An' our whole world's fallin' apart

All the plans we had together
Up in smoke and gone forever
Poisoned by a lawyer's letter
It's over
I don't want our kids to suffer
Can we talk to one another?
You were once my wife, my lover
It's over
Rumours and whispers tear me apart
But I know you better than that

Inseparable were we
With the breeze in our sails
Now I feel a chill wind
On the marriage that fell
And our friends are divided
They've taken their sides
Now they'll all sit back
And watch the circus unwind
I don't stand here tryin' to focus the blame
But I'm hurtin' deep down inside

All the pain an' all the grievin'
When did we stop believin'?
Too late now to stop the bleedin'
It's over
What's the sense in pointin' fingers?
Who's the saint an' who's the sinner?
There ain't gonna be a winner
It's over
Oh, my dear, what happened to us?
Tell me, where did it all go wrong?

What's the use in keep on fightin'?
All the tears, all the cryin'
Why do we keep denyin'?
It's over
In all the time I thought I knew ya
Don't forget our children's future
I would do whatever suits ya
Oh yeah!
It's over
It's over
Yeah, it's over