Rod Stewart - Look In Her Eyes

About The Song

(Watch the video below)

Rod Stewart's song "Look In Her Eyes" is a soulful ballad that showcases the legendary singer's vocal prowess and emotional depth. Released as part of his album "Blood Red Roses" in 2018, the song captivates listeners with its heartfelt lyrics and melodic arrangement. In "Look In Her Eyes," Stewart reflects on the complexities of love and relationships, exploring themes of longing, desire, and introspection.


The song begins with a gentle acoustic guitar riff, setting the stage for Stewart's introspective lyrics to take center stage. As he sings, "Sometimes I wonder if she's had enough / Sometimes I wonder if she's had too much," Stewart invites listeners to ponder the intricacies of human connection and the challenges that come with navigating the ups and downs of a romantic relationship. His gravelly voice adds a raw and authentic quality to the song, drawing listeners in with its raw emotion.

Throughout "Look In Her Eyes," Stewart's lyrics paint a vivid picture of love's complexities, from the exhilarating highs to the heartbreaking lows. He sings of the magnetic pull of desire, the bittersweet ache of longing, and the uncertainty that often accompanies matters of the heart. With lines like, "Her heart's an open book, don't be afraid to take a look," Stewart captures the vulnerability and intimacy that define deep emotional connections.


As the song progresses, Stewart's vocals soar to new heights, accompanied by lush instrumentation that builds to a stirring crescendo. The soaring melodies and heartfelt lyrics create a powerful emotional impact, resonating with listeners on a deeply personal level. Whether experienced against the backdrop of a romantic evening or during moments of quiet reflection, "Look In Her Eyes" evokes a range of emotions, from nostalgia and longing to hope and resilience.

In the final moments of the song, Stewart's voice fades into a haunting refrain, leaving listeners with a sense of lingering melancholy and introspection. It's a poignant reminder of the fleeting nature of love and the profound impact it can have on our lives. Ultimately, "Look In Her Eyes" stands as a testament to Rod Stewart's enduring talent as a singer-songwriter and his ability to craft timeless music that speaks to the heart and soul.



Let's sing along with the lyrics!

See the line all around the block
Watch all the pretty girls lookin' roguishly hot
Right on time, here come all the dudes
They work the room and validate their cool
(Oh yeah)

It's not submission; it's just the look in her eyes
There's no decision; it's just the look in her eyes

The joint is jumping; the DJ's settin' 'em free
Johnny from Brooklyn meets Marianne from Queens
They hit it off, he has all the moves
She's fascinated, but leaves him lookin' for clues

She's not pretending; it's just the look in her eyes
She's not suggesting; it's just the look in her eyes
He leads her by the hand
He says, "Dance, little sister, dance"
Is it one of those nights where the stars and the moon collide?
(Oh yeah)

Don't be fooled by the look in her eyes
Take your time

The sun is rising, he says, "I'll walk you home"
He's got the sweet talk, she's in her comfort zone
He's so smooth, he always gets the girl
But she ain't fooled, her mother taught her well

It's not submission; it's just the look in her eyes
There's no decision; it's just the look in her eyes
She's not pretending; it's just the look in her eyes
She's not suggesting; it's just the look in her eyes