Rod Stewart - Sailing

About The Song

"Sailing" by Rod Stewart is a classic rock ballad that has stood the test of time as a powerful anthem of hope and determination. Released in 1975 as part of the album "Atlantic Crossing," the song became one of Rod Stewart's signature hits. Written by Gavin Sutherland, "Sailing" is characterized by its uplifting melody, Stewart's distinctive gravelly vocals, and a poignant orchestral arrangement that contribute to the song's enduring popularity and emotional resonance.


The lyrics of "Sailing" convey a sense of freedom and escape, with the metaphor of sailing serving as a powerful symbol of leaving troubles behind and embracing a new beginning. Stewart's emotive delivery adds a layer of authenticity to the lyrics, making the song a heartfelt expression of the human desire for adventure and renewal. Lines like "I am sailing, stormy waters, to be near you, to be free" capture the essence of the song, inviting listeners to join Stewart on a metaphorical journey toward self-discovery and emotional liberation.

Musically, "Sailing" is distinguished by its lush orchestration, featuring sweeping strings and a majestic arrangement that complements Stewart's vocals. The song's crescendo, building toward a powerful climax, mirrors the emotional highs conveyed in the lyrics. The combination of Stewart's soulful performance and the orchestral accompaniment creates a cinematic quality, elevating "Sailing" beyond a typical rock ballad. The orchestration, arranged by Arif Mardin, contributes to the song's timeless and universal appeal, making it a standout in Rod Stewart's extensive discography.


"Sailing" is more than just a hit song; it has become an anthem for perseverance and determination. The song's enduring popularity is evident in its use in various contexts, from sports events to film soundtracks. Its anthemic quality has made it a staple for inspiring and motivating audiences, embodying a spirit of resilience and optimism. The universal themes of the song, combined with Stewart's charismatic delivery, have allowed "Sailing" to transcend its era and continue to resonate with listeners across generations.

Rod Stewart's interpretation of "Sailing" has become iconic, and the song remains a key part of his live performances. Its enduring popularity is a testament to the emotional depth and musical craftsmanship present in the track. The timeless nature of "Sailing" lies not only in its catchy melody and orchestral grandeur but also in its ability to evoke a sense of hope and inspiration, making it a classic that continues to capture the hearts of audiences around the world.



Let’s sing along with the lyrics!

I am sailing, I am sailing
Home again, 'cross the sea
I am sailing stormy waters
To be near you, to be free
I am flying, I am flying
Like a bird 'cross the sky
I am flying, passing high clouds
To be with you, to be free
Can you hear me? Can you hear me?
Through the dark night, far away
I am dying, forever crying
To be with you, who can say
Can you hear me? Can you hear me?
Through the dark night far away
I am dying, forever crying
To be with you, who can say
We are sailing, we are sailing
Home again, 'cross the sea
We are sailing stormy waters
To be near you to be free
Oh Lord, to be near you, to be free
Oh Lord, to be near you, to be free
Oh Lord, to be near you, to be free, oh Lord